10 Amazing keyboard Shortcuts

At those days without computer and laptop official work and Educational works are impossible...............
So, Guys now i am going to talk about some amazing keyboard shortcut. After getting those all tricks i mean shortcuts of keyboard you will be smart and a genius at your working place and institution.......yes Genius.
If you Work on computer, then follow my post i will increase your productivity & save your time.

I am going to tell you 10 different keyboard shortcuts out of which the 6th, 8th and 9th are very important but others are also important and absolutely great.

Number 1
Open your System file maneger /My computer drives then press Windows+E .

Number 2
It's happens a lot, when you are working, suddenly someone arrives and you don't want to so your work.
Then press ctrl+D
You can minimize all your multiple windows just with in a second and only show your desktop .

Number 3
Press windows+up arrow it will maximize your opened window &
Press Windows+down arrow it will minimize your window. It is simple you don't need a mouse.

Number 4
Many of you Did not know this, alrady i told about up and down arrow key then it's time to know about left and right arrow key.
Press windows+left/right arrow key and you can split your windows if you want to Multitask and use 2 windows on your desktop.
It save a lot of time as they get resizeed and aligned autometicly and hence increase productivity.

Number 5
Ctrl+shift+N you might be knowing it's already, it create a new folder quickly.

Number 6
You all know about alt+Tab for switching between two windows instances, you keep pressing if they are multiple. 

Number 7
If there are 7 or 8 Instance working and you Want to look at all at once, then press windows+Tab after pressing this you can see all working windows at once and You will get proper rectangular icons and all your work will be seen on the single screen. then select which one you want to open by left and right arrow button.
I use it  a lot as i do different work at the same time and it's helps me every time. So do try it out.

Number 8
Windows+shift+S - it's my most favourite! Generally we use snapping tool for rectangular and free form screenshorts.
But for quick advanced screenshorts press windows+shift+S As you get control over it shapes (rectangular/free form)

Number 9
Windows+V - it is very usefull clip board when you use ctrl+c for copy.
But by using Windows+V You can get a clip board history. You can access and paste your 4-5 hours old coppied texts as well. You can use the clip board to choose your text and paste it and is usefull for the ones who copy paste a lot.

Number 10
Windows+. Or ; - it's fun if You massage /chat a lot. Pressing it will open "emoji panel" and you can choose which ever emoji you want and you are done. You won't have to find a smiley to chose an emoji.

Bonus one🤩🤩🤩
Supose you are working on your desktop and suddenly you have to left from your work station then for security purpose press windows+L  you system will lock noone can't access in your system.

⭐If you want to get more Information about keyboard shortcuts then please make a comment. Definetly i will tell you . ⭐


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